Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Personal Profile Proposals

Lawrence Pintak- Founding Dean, College of Com, lpintak@wsu.edu Comm Add 101, Pullman, 509-335-8535

Pintak was a war correspondent for many years. He spoke recently about the change in the journalism standard and practice of foreign coverage. I think a profile of Pintak would highlight the bigger issue regarding the inadequacies of foreign correspondence and war coverage, and how mass media's practices and concerns affect news content and quality.

David Demers- Professor, Communication, Murrow East 219b, Pullman, 509-335-5608, ddemers@wsu.edu

As a professor and student advisor, Demers has guided student journalists to pursue investigations despite resistance from administration. He encouraged his students to take a denied FOIA request to court and win against the university they were attending. Demers is an interesting and engaging person, and his experience demonstrates the issue of university politics and censorship efforts interfering with student journalism. This issue is not isolated to that university. Many educational institutions attempt to interfere with undesirable student reporting.

Other ideas:

John Gardner, Vice President Economic Development and Global Engagement, gardnerj@wsu.edu
Mike Wolcott- Director of Institute for Sustainable Design, 509-335-6392, wolcott@wsu.edu
Toni Nelson, ACUPCC Program Director, Second Nature, 859-940-2545, tnelson@secondnature.org
The new WSU dorms that are supposedly completely eco-friendly and energy efficient

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