Thursday, October 1, 2009

Police Report Exercise

Identify the following:
The investigating officer: Detectives R. Graves and R. Webb
The potential crime: suspect might have committed murder in the past.
Officer's response: It is Det. Graves and Webbs Feelings that Mr. Welsh is truly imbarrased and regretful of the incident and that there is no reason to believe he is a threat to society.
Date and Time: The Spokesman-Review obtained the 1986 Spokane Police report October 25, 2002
The basic narrative: Bishop Lawrence Welsh went to Chicago for the Knights of Columbus convention where he picked up a male prostitute, engaged in oral sex, and choked the prostitute according to a police report filed by the prostitute. The case was referred to Spokane because Welsh was a sex counselor in Spokane and was also suspected in the Green River murders. Detectives Graves and Webb met with Welsh and Archbishop Hunthausen. Welsh agreed to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. According to the police report, "It is Det. Graves and Webbs Feelings that Mr. Welsh is truly imbarrased and regretful of the incident and that there is no reason to believe he is a threat to society." The report was handed up to Brass and buried.


  1. Hi Jenn,

    Your outline forms are usefull to me in getting my own stories organized. What text are you using in your class?

    Chris Loew

  2. We actually don't have a text. We are using and instructor's blog and lecture. Check out It has a lot of information.
